The following are the various actions for which Vault will create a document audit log entry. The label that appears in parentheses is the event key (called “Action” in the exported audit logs).

Vault does not update documents when a user saves without making any changes. This means that the document’s Last Modified Date is not changed and Vault does not create an event in the document audit history.

Basic Actions

  • Upload Binder (UploadCompoundDoc)
  • Upload Document (UploadDoc, UploadDocBulk, UploadDoc_RepeatingListProperties)
  • Edit Fields (EditDocInfoProperties, EditDocInfo_RepeatingListProperties, EditDocInfo_ManualAssignments)
  • Download Source File (Download)
  • View Document (GetDocumentVersion)
  • Save Page Rotations (SavePageRotations)
  • Check Out (Checkout)
  • Undo Checkout (UndoCheckout)
  • Check In (Checkin)
  • Execute Custom Action (ExecuteCustomAction)
  • Create, Edit, or Delete Document Relationships (EditDocRelationships)
  • Create, Edit, or Delete Document Links (EditDocRelationships)
  • Add Rendition (AddRendition)
  • Remove Rendition (RemoveRendition)
  • Download Rendition (DownloadRendition)
  • Download from Distribution (DistributionDownload)
  • Confirm Withdrawal (WithdrawalConfirmation)
  • Delete All Document Versions (DocAllVersionsDeleted)
  • Delete Document Version (DocSingleVersionDeleted)
  • New Draft Version (NewDraftVersion)
  • Upload Source File (AddDocContent)
  • Upload New Version (AddDocContentFromExistingDoc, UploadNewVersion)
  • Change minor version number to major version number, for example, from 0.3 to 1.0 (UPDATE_DOC_ VERSION)
  • Move Document to New Lifecycle State (ChangeDocumentState)
  • Automatch Upload (AutomatchUpload)
  • Reclassify (Reclassify)
  • Add Binder Section (CompoundDocumentAddNode)
  • Add Binder Section From Template (CompoundDocumentAddDocNodeFromTemplateError)
  • Edit Binder Section (CompoundDocumentEditNode)
  • Edit Binder (CompoundDocumentEdit)
  • Set Binder Thumbnail (SetBinderThumbnail)
  • Delete Binder Section (CompoundDocumentDeleteNode)
  • Export Binder (ExportBinder)
  • Download Controlled Copy (ControlledCopyDownload)
  • Execute Controlled Copy Action (ControlledCopyAction)
  • Execute Change Control Action (ChangeControlAction)
  • Fill PDF Form (2253, etc.) (FillPdfForm)
  • Download PDF Form (2253, etc.) (DownloadPdfForm)
  • Export All Files1
  • Send as Link to External Viewers (SendAsLinkToExternalViewers)
  • Send as Link to Internal Viewers (SendAsLinkToInternalViewers)
  • Revoke Access Token for Send as Link (RevokeAccessToken)
  • View Document via Send as Link (ViewedSentDocument)
  • View Document Failed via Send as Link with expired access token (ViewedDocumentNotAvailable)
  • Downloaded Document Shared via Send as Link (DownloadedSentDocument)
  • Download Video Shared via Send as Link (DownloadedSentVideo)


  • Merge Annotation Anchors (MergeAnnotateAnchors)
  • Bring Forward Line Annotations (BringForwardLines)
  • Bring Forward Link Annotations (BringForwardLinks)
  • Bring Forward Note Annotations (BringForwardNotes)
  • Bring Forward Anchor Annotations (BringForwardAnchors)
  • Undo Bring Forward Annotations (UndoBFA)
  • Undo Bring Forward Annotations – All (UndoAllBFA)
  • Export Annotations (ExportedAnnotations)
  • Export Annotations with filters applied (ExportedAnnotationsFiltersApplied)
  • Import Annotations (ImportedAnnotations)
  • Undo Import Annotations (UndoImportedAnnotations)

Text and Claims Management (PromoMats Vaults Only)

  • Suggested Links Action Performed (RunSuggestedLinks)
  • Accept Suggested Link (EditDocRelationships)
  • Suggested Links Removed (RemoveSuggestedLinks)
  • Create Auto Link (EditDocRelationships)
  • Manually Add Claim Link (CreateClaimLinkRelationships)
  • Suggested Links Removed (RemoveSuggestedLinks)
  • Create CrossLink Document (CreateCrossLink, CreateCrossLink_RepeatingListProperties)
  • Edit CrossLink Document (EditCrossLink)
  • Generate CrossLink Content (GenerateCrossLinkContent)
  • Generate CrossLink Doc Info Page (GenerateCrossLinkDocInfo)
  • Update CrossLink Content (UpdateCrossLinkContent)
  • Remove CrossLink Content (RemoveCrossLinkContent)
  • Update CrossLink (UpdateCrossLink, UpdateCrossLink_RepeatingListProperties)
  • Create CrossLink Binding (CreateCrossLinkBinding)
  • Remove CrossLink Binding (RemoveCrossLinkBinding)
  • Edit CrossLink Binding (EditCrossLinkBinding)
  • Resync with Source (ResyncWithSource)


  • Add Attachment (AddAttachment)
  • Add Attachment Version (NewAttachmentVersion)
  • Restore Attachment Version (RestoreAttachmentVersion)
  • View Attachment (ViewAttachment)
  • Download Attachment (DownloadAttachment)
  • Delete Attachment (DeleteAttachment)
  • Delete Attachment Version (DeleteAttachmentVersion)
  • Edit Attachment (EditAttachment)

Lifecycle Entry Actions

  • Delete Annotations (DeleteAnnotations)
  • Delete Minor Versions (DeleteDocMinorVersions)
  • Delete Minor Versions excluding Planned state documents (DeleteDocMinorVersionsExceptPlanned)
  • Expire (Expired)
  • QualityDocs: Close Multi-Document Change Control (CloseDocumentChangeControl)
  • QualityDocs: Multi-Document Change Control (UpdateDocsEntryAction)


  • Start Workflow (WorkflowInitiation, WorkflowDocVersionChange, WorkflowDateVariableCreate, WorkflowDateVariableUpdate)
  • Complete Workflow (WorkflowCompletion)
  • Cancel Workflow (WorkflowCancellation)
  • Email Workflow Participants (EmailParticipants)
  • Assign Task (TaskAssignment)
  • Replace Task Participant (TaskReplace)
  • Complete Task (TaskCompletion)
  • Cancel Task (TaskCancellation)
  • Task Short Circuited (TaskShortCircuited)
  • Reassign Task (TaskReAssignment)
  • Undo Task Acceptance (TaskRelease)
  • Assign Task to Any User (TaskAvailable)
  • Add Task Due Date (TaskDueDateCreate)
  • Update Task Due Date (TaskDueDateUpdate)
  • Update Sharing Settings: Manual Assignment (EditDocInfo_ManualAssignments)
  • eSignature Completed (electronicSignature)
  • QualityDocs: Multi-Document Change Control (CascadeSignatures)

Integration Actions

  • Send To CLM (SendToClm)
  • Withdraw From CLM (WithdrawFromClm)
  • Withdraw Slide From CLM (WithdrawSlideFromClm)
  • Withdraw Binder From CLM (BinderWithdrawFromClm)
  • View Document in Embedded Viewer (EmbeddableDocViewerView)
  • Download Document Rendition from Embedded Viewer (EmbeddableDocViewerDownload)
  • Download Source File from Embedded Viewer (EmbeddableDocViewerDownloadSource)
  • Distribute Document through Embedded Viewer (EmbeddableDocViewerDistribute)
  • View Document from Standalone Viewer (ExternalViewerDocumentView)
  • Download Document Rendition from Standalone Viewer (ExternalViewerPDFDownload)
  • Download Source File from Standalone Viewer (ExternalViewerSourceDownload)
  • Distribute Key Message (KeyMessageDistribution)
  • Distribute Presentation (PresentationDistribution)
  • Distribute Slide (SlideDistribution)
  • Send to Staging CDN (CDNStage)
  • Send to Production CDN (CDNProduction)
  • Push to CDN (PushToCDN)
  • Withdraw from Staging CDN (WithdrawFromCDNStage)
  • Withdraw from Production CDN (WithdrawFromCDNProduction)
  • Approved Email Push to CDN (AEPushToCDN, AECDN)
  • Approved Email Withdraw from CDN (AEWithdrawFromCDN)
  • Upload Thumbnail (VeevaDistributionPkgThumbnailUpload)
  • Upload Poster (VeevaDistributionPkgPosterUpload)
  • Set Default Thumbnail (DefaultBinderThumbnail)
  • Create Email Fragment (CreateMasterEmailFragment)
  • View Content Links (ViewContentLinks)
  • CLM Distribute (CLMDistribute)
  • CLM Withdraw from Production (CLMWithdrawProduction)
  • CLM Withdraw from Staging (CLMWithdrawStage)
  • CLM Send to Staging (CLMStage)
  • CLM Send to Production (CLMProduction)
  • Checked in from MS Office Online (OnlineCheckin)
  • Checked out in MS Office Online (OnlineCheckout)
  • Exited from MS Office Online (OnlineExit)
  • Opened in MS Office Online (OnlineOpen)
  • Undo checkout from MS Office Online (OnlineUndoCheckout)

Admin/Veeva Support

  • Reindex (Reindex)
  • Reindex All Versions (ReindexAllVersions)
  • Undelete Document (DocAllVersionsUndeleted)
  • Re-render (ReRender)


  • License Violation (LicenseViolation)
  1. This action creates a separate event for each file exported. For example, a Download event for the source file and a DownloadRendition event for the viewable rendition.