In Vault PromoMats, Communication Objectives are promotional goals derived from strategic imperatives and associated with categories such as Efficacy and Safety. You can associate Communication Objectives with documents, Content Modules, or Claims, giving you insight into content strategy execution.

Creating Communication Objectives

To create Communication Objectives, navigate to Business Admin > Objects > Communication Objective and click Create. You can also create a custom tab so users can view and work with Communication Objectives outside of the Admin area.

Communication Objective record

You can also create Communication Objective Brand and Communication Objective Country records to associate Communication Objectives with multiple Brands and Countries. Communication Objective records can only include one primary Brand and Country.

Activating Categories

Standard Category picklist values are inactive in existing Vaults if you have configured custom values. Otherwise, by default, these values are active. To activate picklist values:

  1. Navigate to Business Admin > Picklists > Category.
  2. Click Show Inactive Values.
  3. Double click the Picklist Value Status field next to the value(s) you want to activate.
  4. Select Active.
  5. Click out of the field to save the change.

Associating Communication Objectives

You can associate a Communication Objective with a Content Module or Claim by navigating to the document or object record and selecting the desired record in the Communication Objective field. By default, this new field is added to the Content Module and Claim standard action layouts.

You can add the new Communication Objective shared document field to relevant document types. On documents, the Communication Objective field can be populated manually by users, automatically by Vault, or both. You can manually select a Communication Objective in the Communication Objective field of the Doc Info page. You must configure and perform the Sync Communication Objective user action or entry action to create the associated Communication Objective Content record for reporting.

Communication Objective record with the Where Used panel

Automatically Associating Communication Objectives to Documents

If a document includes a Claim record that is associated with a Communication Objective, Vault automatically populates the Communication Objective document field in two ways:

When Vault automatically populates the Communication Objective document field, it also creates the Communication Objective Content records for reporting.

Removing Communication Objectives from Documents

You can remove a Communication Objective from a document in one of the following ways:

  • Manually removing the Communication Objective value from the Doc Info page and click Save
  • Removing the Claim link annotation from the document

After performing either of these actions, you must also perform the Sync Communication Objective action to update the associated Communication Objective Content record.

Reporting on Communication Objectives

You can report on Communication Objectives by viewing one of the following reports:

  • Communication Objective with Document and Claims: Returns a list of Communication Objectives and what document and page the Claim is found on (if applicable)
    • This report uses the Communication Objective Content object. To use this report, these records can be created automatically through Auto-linking or the Sync Communication Objective user or entry action described above.
  • Communication Objective with Content Modules: Returns a list of Communication Objectives and the Content Module the objective is linked to

You can complete all steps in this article with the standard Business Admin, System Admin, or Vault Owner profile. If your vault uses custom security profiles, your profile must grant the following permissions:

Type Permission Label Controls
Security Profile Objects: Communication Objective: Read, Create, Edit, Delete Ability to view, edit, and manage Communication Objective object records.
Security Profile Objects: Text Asset: Create, Edit, Delete Ability to create, edit, and delete claims, including references
Security Profile Objects: Text Asset Target: Create, Edit, Delete Ability to see and add suggested links
Security Profile Objects: Link Target: Create, Edit, Delete Ability to see and add suggested links
Security Profile Admin: Configuration: Document Lifecycles: Read, Edit Ability to view and edit existing document lifecycles