With page links, Admins can create links that navigate users to custom page destinations. Page links are useful when Admins or users want custom object details pages, as opposed to Vault’s standard object details page. For example, an Admin may want to create a custom user interface for simplifying data entry into a Vault object for tracking Events.

When your users want to create a new object record for an object that has a custom page link, or when they click View, Edit, or Copy from the object’s Actions menu or the object record, Vault navigates to the custom URL as opposed to a standard object details page. When they exit the custom page, Vault navigates back to the standard UI.

You can create page links for the following object record actions:

  • Create
  • View
  • Edit
  • Copy

All page links must take the form of web links (URLs), which open as a standard object details page would. URLs can use tokens for object fields and additional details like Object Name and Record ID. When your users select the action, Vault replaces the tokens with the specific object’s field value.

You can create, view, and edit page links in Admin > Configuration. The Page Links page lists all page links currently in the system. Create a new page link by clicking Create, or edit an existing page link by clicking the page link’s name.

An object can have one page link for each Page Mode. For example, the Applications object could have one page link for each of the following actions: Create, View, Edit, and Copy.

  1. Navigate to Page Links in Admin > Configuration.
  2. Click the Create button.
  3. Enter a Label for the page link, for example, My Page Link. Vault auto-populates the Name field, for example, my_page_link__c.
  4. Optional: Enter a Description. This appears in the Page Links list view.
  5. Select the Page Mode. This determines which action redirects the user to a custom page.
  6. The Page Type defaults to Object.
  7. Select the Object to which the page link will apply.
  8. Select one or more available fields from the Fields panel and either double-click or click the arrow icon to move it to the URL panel.
  9. Click Validate. Vault displays an error if your action is invalid.
  10. Click Save.

URL Tokens

Vault provides placeholder URL text with basic supported tokens in the URL field. Vault only supports page links for https pages. You can add the following tokens to your page link URL:

  • Object Name {{Metadata.name}}
  • Record ID {{Object.id}}
  • User Name {{User.name__v}}
  • User Email {{User.email__v}}
  • User ID {{User.id}}
  • Vault Domain {{Vault.domain}}
  • Vault ID {{Vault.id}}
  • Field Parameters {{Related.fieldParameters}}

External URLs

Vault supports page links to external URLs with iFrames. Admins can configure the iFrame address when creating the page link. Users with correct object permissions can click an external URL page link to open the URL in an iFrame in the standard Vault window.

Page links that Admins create are custom page links and have the __c custom namespace suffix. Vault also supports standard page links, which have the __v standard namespace suffix. Admins cannot delete standard page links, but they can edit the Label and Description fields.

  1. From the Page Link list view, click on the page link’s Actions menu.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Make any necessary changes and click Save.
  1. From the Page Link list view, click on the page link’s Actions menu.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. Click Continue in the confirmation dialog to permanently delete the page link.

Deleting a page link removes it from your Vault. This action can’t be undone.

Limits for URL Length

Web browsers have various limitations on the maximum number of characters in a URL. Many versions of Internet Explorer limit URLs to 2,083 characters. We recommend that you keep the URL length under that limit. Keep in mind that tokens you include in the URL may render into longer values.

Admins must have a security profile with the Page Links permission. Whether users are able to access object record actions with page link custom destinations depends on their Object permissions.