PromoMats provides the ability to create and manage reusable text assets through the Text Asset (annotation_keywords__sys) object.

The Text Asset object includes the following standard objects to manage data:

  • The Claims (claims__v) object type contains all the information for an individual claim, including the product, country, and match text. Claims are used in link annotations, particularly Suggested Links.
  • The Reusable Text (reusable_text__v) object type contains information related to reusable text assets, including match text, product, country, and reusable text type. Reusable Text Assets can be used in Content Modules.
  • The Match Text Variation (match_text_variation__sys) object is a child of the Text Asset object and contains a variation of the asset’s match text. Each Text Asset record can have up to nine (9) associated Match Text Variation records.
  • The Text Asset Target (annotation_keyword_targets__sys) allows an asset to be associated with multiple Link Targets.
  • The Link Target (link_target__sys) contains information for link destinations, including target type and document information. Vault automatically creates one Link Target for each document version with a type, subtype, or classification that is enabled as a suggested link target.

The Text Asset object (annotation_keywords__sys) contains the following standard fields:

  • Name: Vault generates this field automatically.
  • Match Text: The exact text of the claim; for example, “Preferred by more dentists.” The Match Text must be between 20 and 1500 characters. This text must match the text of the reference document exactly. For example, a Text Asset with the Match Text “Cholecap works faster” will match to a document with the text “Cholecap works faster than competitors” but not to one with the text “Cholecap works quicker.”
  • Category: The type of claim; for example, efficacy or safety. Admins can configure values for this picklist according to their team’s needs.
  • Primary Product: This is an object reference field where Admins can select the Product associated with the text asset.
  • Primary Country: This is an object reference field where Admins can select the Country where the text asset is used.
  • Language: This is an object reference field where Admins can select the text asset’s language.

Admins can add additional fields to the Text Asset object and configure object relationships according to their team’s needs.

About Matching Fields

Vault uses matching fields to match Text Asset records to documents.

  • Vault matches Text Assets using the Primary Country (country__v) and Primary Product (product__v) fields. When manually linking to records, these filters are optional.
  • Blank Primary Country or Primary Product values are interpreted as “null.” Vault searches for Text Asset records with a matching “null” value in the corresponding field.
  • Vault supports Text Assets related to multiple products and countries via the corresponding join object records. For example, if a document has a Primary Country value of “United States” and a Primary Product value of “Natevba”, Vault attempts to match it to Text Assets that an Admin previously associated with that product and country via join relationships.
  • Vault only matches documents to Text Assets in the Approved or default steady state.

There must be an exact match on Match Text values for PromoMats to suggest a link.

About Claims

Claims allow users to automate the generation of reference links on claim statements in promotional materials. Admins can configure claims and associated references, allowing users to create four types of link annotations: Suggested Links, Approved Links, Auto-Accepted Links, and Claim Links.

About Reusable Text

Organizations often reuse previously approved content across many channels. With Reusable Text Assets, you can create text snippets for use in copy, headlines, summaries, objectives, and more. You can also use Reusable Text Assets in Content Modules.